Tips for better sleep.
Sleep is important to physical and mental well-being. A lack of sleep makes it harder to think and easier to become irritated and anxious. In the long term, inadequate sleep increases your risk for obesity, high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, and even premature death. That makes it important to figure out what's interrupting your sleep. You may find it challenging to get enough quality sleep each night. The impact of poor sleep can be felt in all areas of your life. The sleep habits you follow each day – known as sleep hygiene – can have a positive effect on how well you sleep.
Why am I not sleeping through the night?
It could be your age:
Older adults have more interrupted sleep. Also, some older adults find they wake early in the morning which often reflects your schedule for sleeping and waking, not disrupted sleep. Your circadian rhythm, or sleep-wake cycle, may dramatically shift when you're older, causing you to get sleepy earlier. So, if 8 p.m. is the start of your 'biologic' night, then your natural wake time may be around 4 a.m.
It could be your lifestyle:
Lifestyle is a common cause of disrupted sleep including the following habits: drinking alcohol or eating within a few hours of bedtime, napping too much and / or consuming too much caffeine.
It could be your medication:
Some medications cause nighttime waking such as some antidepressants, beta blockers, cold remedies containing alcohol, and corticosteroids.
It could be an underlying condition:
Many chronic health problems can affect your quality of sleep such as anxiety or depression, enlarged prostate gland (benign prostatic hyperplasia, or BPH), chronic pain, neuropathy and sleep apnea.
6 steps to better sleep
You may not be able to control all the factors that interfere with sleep however you can adopt better sleep habits, improve sleep hygiene, that encourage improved quality and quantity of sleep. Many factors can interfere with a good night's sleep — from work stress and family responsibilities to illnesses. The following suggestion have been proven to improve quality and quantity of sleep.
1. Stick to a sleep schedule.
Set aside no more than eight hours for sleep. The recommended amount of sleep for a healthy adult is at least seven hours. Go to bed and get up at the same time every day. Being consistent reinforces your body's sleep-wake cycle. If you don't fall asleep within about 20 minutes of going to bed, leave your bedroom and do something relaxing. Read or listen to soothing music. Go back to bed when you're tired. Repeat as needed but continue to maintain your sleep schedule and wake-up time.
2. Pay attention to what you eat and drink.
Don't go to bed hungry or too full. Avoid large meals within a couple of hours of bedtime as well as nicotine, caffeine and alcohol.
3. Create a restful environment.
Keep your room cool, dark and quiet. Exposure to light in the evenings might make it more challenging to fall asleep. Avoid prolonged use of light-emitting screens just before bedtime. Doing calming activities before bedtime, such as taking a bath or using relaxation techniques, might promote better sleep.
4. Limit daytime naps.
Long daytime naps can interfere with nighttime sleep. Limit naps to no more than one hour and avoid napping late in the day.
5. Include physical activity in your daily routine.
Regular physical activity can promote better sleep. However, avoid being active too close to bedtime. Spending time outside every day might be helpful, too.
6. Manage worries.
Try to resolve your worries or concerns before bedtime. Jot down what's on your mind and then set it aside for tomorrow. Stress management might help. Start with the basics, such as getting organized, setting priorities, and delegating tasks. Meditation also can ease anxiety.
When should I contact my health care provider?
Nearly everyone has an occasional sleepless night. However, if you often have trouble sleeping, contact your health care provider. Identifying and treating any underlying causes can help you get the better sleep you deserve.
Sleep tips: 6 steps to better sleep - Mayo Clinic
The 20 Ultimate Tips for How to Sleep Better | Sleep Foundation